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Publicerad 2022-11-23
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Webinar: Countering Shrinking Space in Palestine

Welcome to a webinar on shrinking space in Palestine on this year's International Day of Solidarity with Palestinian People. Tuesday 29th November, 13:30 – 15:30 CET. Registrate for the event!

This year, in occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with Palestinian People, SOLIDAR and EuroMed Rights host an online public event dedicated to the topic of Shrinking Space for Civil Society Organisations in Palestine.

Civil society organizations and human rights defenders have been the target of strong restrictions and repression. Such as the employment of counter-terrorism legislation and military orders, arbitrary arrests and criminal prosecutions to reduce the space in which these organisations operate.

All these actions are resulting in serious infringements of Palestinian people’s rights to freedom of association, opinion and expression as well as the right to participate in public and cultural affairs. Among the most recent examples of this, there is the October 2021 Israeli Government designation of six Palestinian civil society organisations as “terrorist”. The purpose of this event is to raise awareness and bring testimonies on the situation of civil society in Palestine and also to highlight ongoing initiatives and actions by NGOs and Trade Unions to promote and defend human rights.


The event will be held online on ​Tuesday 29th November 2022, 13:30 – 15:30 CET.

Anna Sundström, Secretary General of Olof Palme International Center, will give closing remark at 15:20.

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Olof Palme International Center

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