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Internal Democracy Toolkit

Method material
The toolkit contains five tools. It is an instrument for self-assessment, developed for partner organisations to the Palme Center. Use it to describe, analyse and discuss your internal democracy, and if needed, take action to strengthen it.

All tools

As partner organisations, you own this process. Try the tools that you think will be useful and adapt them to your local and national context. The toolkit can be used for example as part of a study circle or workshop. Broad representation from the organisation is key.

#1: Checklist

The checklist contains four key areas for internal democracy. Within each are questions to answer, and an exercise to identify possible improvements.


Use… When drafting the annual plan, holding the annual meeting with members or for organisational development in general. It could also be used for fundraising, application for projects or reporting to donors.

#2: Study circle

Learn about internal democracy together! This study circle is divided into four sessions, with some suggested reading and questions to talk about.


Use… To learn about and discuss different aspects of internal democracy in depth.

#3: Short indicator list

Compared with tool #5, this is a shorter list of indicators for self-assessment. The assessment is done in Excel and will produce visual graphs over your organisation’s strengths and weaknesses when it comes to internal democracy.


Use… To get a quick picture of which areas you can strengthen, and to plan for improvements.

#4: Manual for workshop

The manual describes a process for assessing your internal democracy. It contains fifteen exercises, that can be done in a workshop or a study circle.


Use… any of the exercises for discussing and practicing internal democracy. Learning by doing!


This tool is used together with tool #5.

#5: Indicators with example

This is a longer list of indicators in Excel for self-assessment of your internal democracy. It will produce a visual overview of strengths and weaknesses, and you can easily use the same tool to plan for improvements on each indicator.


Use… In a workshop for 1-2 days, as a study circle, or within the management team.

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