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Training: Building alliances on Just Transition

Do you want to take the lead in organising alliances around Just Transition in your country or region? Then this online training is for you. Join and exchange with other changemakers from across the world!

The training: Practical details

What is the training about?

The focus is on building alliances, developing policies and doing advocacy for Just Transition. The training is global and aimed at changemakers in civil society, trade unions and progressive parties who want to facilitate Just Transition alliances in their countries.

How and when is it held?

The training is digital.

Language: The training is held in English. However, you can read and write most of the information and assignments in your own language as we use a tool that autotranslates text.

There is also a Spanish version of the course being developed.

To the course (coming soon)

What you will practice

As a participant in this workshop, you will likely already have plenty of experience when it comes to organising for progressive goals. You are probably engaged in the struggle for democratic space, workers’ rights, women’s rights, environmental rights, youth influence or social equality and human rights in other ways.

This training will draw on the participants’ knowledge and experiences, while strengthening the skills needed to form alliances, draft inclusive reforms and do advocacy to further a Just Transition in your country. In other words, organise for a common agenda that merges action for social equality with the protection of our living world.

After active participation in the training, you will be able to…

start (or intensify) your organising for a Just Transition in your country or region.

explain the challenges and opportunities when it comes to a Just Transition.

facilitate key steps in the building of broad alliances and in the development of a common reform agenda.  


All go deeper-resources (further reading and viewing) for this course can currently be found here.

Olof Palme International Center

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