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Publicerad 2023-03-08
Alla news for partners

Curious about sustainable development, and how to make economics work for the people?

Check out these two online courses; Sustainable development and Inclusive economic development, offered by our partner organisation Education and Training Unit.

Education and Training Unit for Democracy and Development provides training in Southern Africa to help bring about greater equality, social justice and access to rights and information.

Now you can also take part of some of ETU’s trainings online, at your own pace.

To learn more about environment and climate, have a look at this course:

Sustainable development

The course looks at sustainable development in an unequal world and the effects of climate change on our biodiversity. We will also cover topics such as water management, food security and access to greener energy and transport. Lastly, we will look at the effects of urbanisation on the sustainable development goals. (5 hours total)

If you want to know more about economics, this course might be for you:

Inclusive economic development

This course teaches basic economics and targets progressive activists, policy-makers and politicians who have not studied economics. It focuses on understanding economic terms, broad theories, economic history, inequality and global relations, trade, globalisation and possibilities for inclusive and more equal economic development. (10 hours total)

Find both courses at the ETU site

They are also listed under Method materials.

Olof Palme International Center

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