Consultant roster for on-demand support to resource mobilisation and fundraising
The Palme Center seeks the professional expertise of experienced consultants with proven track-records in resource mobilisation and fundraising, to provide their knowledge, advice and capacity-building support for the Palme Center and partner organisations. Selected consultants will become part of a roster which the Palme Center will use to reach out and offer short and medium-term assignments during 2025-2026. Deadline to submit expression of interest is January 31st.In the coming few years, Olof Palmes Internationella Center (Palme Center) intends to increase its efforts in fundraising and resource mobilisation. For this mission, the Palme Center is seeking to develop a consultant roster of fundraising and resource mobilisation experts for upcoming anticipated short-term consultancies. The geographic location of the different assignments may vary. The timeframe for the anticipated consultancies and the level of effort will be determined on an as-needed basis when an opportunity arises.
Qualified applicants will be included on the roster and contacted as needed to see if they are available for specific consulting opportunities. If a consultant is added to the roster, it does not guarantee a consultancy or position. Should a consulting opportunity arise, the Palme Center will contact qualified experts on the roster to share the Scope of Work for the consultancy. The roster will be renewed every two years.
Purpose and description of the assignment
The purpose of the assignment is to provide Palme Center and relevant partner organisations with knowledge, tools and capabilities in fundraising and resource mobilisation. The end goal is to diversify the organisations’ funding, thereby strengthening them as independent and resilient civil society actors and change agents in their respective contexts.
The assignments will vary depending on identified needs and priorities. For example:
- Trainings and capacity-building related to resource mobilisation/fundraising
- Development of funding proposals for institutional donors
- Other interventions which will increase the organisational capacity and lead to successful funding proposals.
More details in ToR:
The scope of work and position responsibilities will be detailed once selected for a specific consulting opportunity. The assignments may vary significantly in size and scope, some may include remote work while others will require physical travel.
The target group will be comprised of relevant Palme Center staff and/or representatives from local partner organisations, depending on the assignment. The consultant shall be able to tailor the design and approach depending on the needs and capacities of the target group.
Qualification requirements
The consultants shall have:
- 7 or more years of professional experience in fundraising and/or resource mobilisation.
- Documented experience of providing capacity-building in topics related to the Terms of Reference, especially for non-profit organisations.
- Experience with EU programming and other institutional donors (public and private).
- Ability to work independently as well as collaboratively in a team-oriented setting and remotely.
- Sensitivity to cultural differences and an ability to adapt methods, approach and communication depending on circumstances and needs of the target group.
- Self-motivated with strong attention to detail and ability to manage time and meet hard deadlines.
- Flexibility and a solution-oriented approach.
- Excellent communication skills, strong proficiency in English.
- Documented experience of PMEL including providing PMEL-support for funding proposals
- Other technical expertise, such as EU-budgeting and financial routines for EU-projects,
- Knowledge of innovative approaches and methods related to fundraising/resource mobilisation.
- Experience of having worked with civil society and/or grassroot organisations, especially in a development cooperation-setting
- Experience and/or knowledge of the Swedish and international labour movement
- Strong proficiency in additional languages relevant for the Palme Center (especially Spanish, French and Arabic).
Consultants are asked to indicate whether they are available to travel if required for a specific assignment, as well as list their languages of proficiency. Consultants will be required to adhere to the Palme Center´s Code of Conduct.
If you are interested in being added to the Palme Center fundraising and resource mobilisation consultancy roster, please apply by submitting an expression of interest detailing your match to the above requirements, your CV and hourly rate in SEK, USD or EUR, including VAT as applicable, valid for 2025 and 2026, as well as examples if available or summaries of three relevant deliverables you have successfully prepared in the past.
Submit your expression of interest to by January 31st, 2025.
Palme Center is an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to age, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin or disability.
If you have any questions, please contact Tamara Vocar, Organisational Developer (, or via phone: +46 (0)8 – 677 57 56.