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New Secretary General appointed

– With over 15 years of experience from the Swedish labour movement’s international solidarity work, Oscar Ernerot has both the networks and the experiences needed to lead and develop the Palme Center operations in a challenging time, says Palme Center’s chair Margot Wallström.

Oscar Ernerot comes most recently from the position as the head of the Swedish Trade Union Confederation’s unit for International affairs. In that role, he has had a strong focus on international trade union policy and foreign policy issues, democracy and human rights, as well as foreign aid policy. Oscar has previously also worked as head of the International Department at the Palme Center.

– To be Secretary General of the Swedish labor movement’s organisation for international solidarity is an assignment one cannot refuse. The opportunity to actively work to meet the attacks on our democracy and the troubling developments around the world together with the Palme Center’s member and partner organisations gives me a lot of energy.
– If we are to be able to reverse the authoritarian development, we need to get together and cooperate even more. Both here at home in Sweden as well as with our many democratic and progressive friends around the world. Together we are much stronger than many of us realize.

Oscar Ernerot begins his duties as Secretary General on September 1st, 2024.

How to Run and Represent a Party – new introductory course

Political parties play a significant role in viable democracies. They act as key actors in the struggle for democratic, free, and equitable societies.

When political parties function well, they are not only involved in creating policy in parliaments or in running campaigns. They also help ordinary people to have political and democratic influence. And they function as a link between citizens and the political power – by bringing together voters, making them members, educating them, and mobilizing them to make their voices heard. Parties, in a sense, become a tool for people to exert influence.

Palme Center’s cooperation with parties

The Palme Center cooperates with Social Democratic sister parties around the world. Our aim is to strengthen their ideological and organisational capacity. Because to be a democratic and resilient actor is an important factor in order to become a key driver for progressive change in one’s country and community.

The course

The study material covers key areas that will help you form, organize, develop, and represent a democratic party. It is aimed at leaders and active members of Social democratic parties around the world. And it can be used to design ones own party trainings on the various topics.

– We know that education is crucial in a democracy. The same goes for successful Social democratic political parties that want to effect change within their contexts. We have developed this material in six modules about how to run and represent a party, to give inspiration to our sister parties’ training activities as well as our own, says Sanna Eliasson, grant coordinator for political party support.

– The ambition is that not everyone needs to reinvent the wheel, but that we can share existing experiences among each other.

”We know that education is crucial in a democracy. The same goes for sucessful Social democratic political parties that want to effect change”.

The modules cover topics such as formulating policy, holding elections, campaigning and so on.

The material is for leaders and active members of Social Democratic parties around the world. You can use it to design your own party trainings on the respective topics. The materials can also be used for several meetings in the form of a study circle, to discuss the questions and ideas in the various modules.

To the introductory course!

New information for supplier invoices from June 1st

From June 1st 2023, the information for supplier invoices to Olof Palme International Center will change, both for pdf invoices sent digitally and for invoices posted through regular mail. You will find the updated information on the regular info page from today and onward:

In English

In Swedish

Curious about sustainable development, and how to make economics work for the people?

Education and Training Unit for Democracy and Development provides training in Southern Africa to help bring about greater equality, social justice and access to rights and information.

Now you can also take part of some of ETU’s trainings online, at your own pace.

To learn more about environment and climate, have a look at this course:

Sustainable development

The course looks at sustainable development in an unequal world and the effects of climate change on our biodiversity. We will also cover topics such as water management, food security and access to greener energy and transport. Lastly, we will look at the effects of urbanisation on the sustainable development goals. (5 hours total)

If you want to know more about economics, this course might be for you:

Inclusive economic development

This course teaches basic economics and targets progressive activists, policy-makers and politicians who have not studied economics. It focuses on understanding economic terms, broad theories, economic history, inequality and global relations, trade, globalisation and possibilities for inclusive and more equal economic development. (10 hours total)

Find both courses at the ETU site

They are also listed under Method materials.

Advanced training of trainers: Building alliances on Just Transition

The Olof Palme International Center and SOLIDAR are inviting change-makers to take part in a three-part training of trainers, that focuses on how to build alliances, develop policies and do advocacy for Just Transition. The training is global and will give you opportunities to exchange with other activists from around the world.

The training will take place during three half days, with some time apart: Feb 1st, 9th and 15th 2023. The sessions will be held from about 8.30 am-12.30 pm CET so that people can join in from several continents.

Read more and apply on the link below! The application is open until the 30th of January 2023.

To the training

Convocatoria de propuestas: Capacitaciones de Transición Justa en América Latina

Organizando la Solidaridad Internacional – Convocatoria de propuestas para Subvenciones en Cascada 2023

Plazo para presentar la propuesta:

23 DE ENERO DE 2023, 24h00 hora de Bruselas

SOLIDAR está lanzando una convocatoria de propuestas como parte de su programa Organizando la Solidaridad Internacional (OSI), financiado por la Unión Europea (UE). Este mecanismo tiene como objetivo reforzar las acciones conjuntas de incidencia de Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil (OSC) locales, miembros y contrapartes de SOLIDAR que contribuyan al avance de los Derechos Económicos y Sociales, promoviendo una Transición Justa y defendiendo y habilitando espacios para las OSC en línea con la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible.

Las acciones propuestas deben llevarse a cabo y ser lideradas por organizaciones activas en los siguientes países:

La Subvención en cascada incluye un lote: Lote 3: Acciones Temáticas, 3.1: Acción regional sobre Transición Justa

Presupuesto total

10.000 EUR (SOLIDAR puede cubrir el 85%, 15% a ser cofinanciado por el solicitante)


Cómo aplicar

Puede enviar su propuesta por correo electrónico a cajsa.unnbom@palmecenter.se en español. Encontrará el paquete de solicitud completo a continuación:


Directrices de solicitud

Documentos para la solicitud a enviar

  1. Formulario de solicitud Excel
  2. Propuesta de presupuesto Excel
  3. Modelo de plan de actividades
  4. Lista de verificación para solicitantes

Documento de apoyo

Preguntas y Respuestas Frecuentes


EU flag This activity is being realized with the financial assistance of the European Union as part of the Specific Agreement No. CSO-LA/2018/402-422. The contents of this activity are the sole responsibility of SOLIDAR and can under no circumstances be taken as reflecting the position of the European Union.

Call for proposals: Support to Just Transition changemakers

The Training of Trainers will take part early winter 2022, and the organisation who is selected in this call for proposals to provide after-support (and possibly facilitate another round of the Training of Trainers) will do so in the first quarter of 2023. You will find more details about the project in the call for proposals – link below – under the Just Transition part.

We are welcoming proposals from partners working on the issues related to a Just Transition.

Deadline: 6th of November at 23:59.

Read the call for proposals here (ENG) 

It can also be found here in FR and here in ES

Call for proposals: Human Rights & Democracy Support to Civil Society in Türkiye

The objectives are:

The specific objective of the support to civil society organisations is to strengthen CSOs as independent actors of good governance and development in their own right.

The specific objective is to contribute to an inclusive, participatory, empowered, and independent civil society and democratic space; and an inclusive and open dialogue with and between Civil Society Organisations.

The interested civil society organisations in Türkiye are welcome with a Concept Note (max two pages) providing for an Inception Phase, and an Organisational Description (max one page) written in optional format. Budget for the Inception Phase is restricted to maximum SEK 100 000.

Proposals are to be sent via email (to mailbox: application@palmecenter.se) before the 15th of August 2022.

Just in – toolkit for internal democracy

How about arranging a study circle on the topic?

Or answering a list of questions to get a quick visual overview of strengths and areas where action is needed?

Many of the exercises are learning by doing – just by using these tools you will be exercising internal democracy.

Take me to the toolkit

Workshop in climate and environmental integration, March 16th

Date: March 16th

Time: 9.30-11 am CET

After active participation in the workshop you will be able to…

What’s the point of all this?

The benefit of practicing this is that we can become better at spotting climate and environmental risks that may undermine our progress.

Analysing our operations from a “green” perspective also means that we can contribute to environmental and climate action that strengthens our goals and the rightsholders we wish to support.

If we do not see the links between the planetary crisis and our goals, and act on them… our countries will be left dangerously unprepared and policies to counter the crisis will neither be adequate or just.

Sign up

Register here by March 10th if you want to join.