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What is social democracy?

The book ”What is Social Democracy?” gives an introduction to social democratic ideology, history and policy. It’s authored by the former Swedish Prime Minister Ingvar Carlsson and Anne-Marie Lindgren.

Download it here

Get your guide to online trainings and activities

We have all gone through a process where online activities was something we mainly did while waiting for the pandemic to pass, to understanding that this is a permanent change in terms of how we meet, learn, interact and collaborate. Online meetings will not replace physical meetings after the pandemic, but they are here to stay—and to complement and expand our activities.

Shrinking democratic space during the pandemic and lockdowns calls for more capacity development online, and for actors who work in favour of democracy to become more active together.

This is a hands-on guide on what to think about before, during and after an online training or activity.

It contains information about the process, manuals for tools, practical tips, templates and examples. There is also a theoretical part about online learning that looks at how we can make participants feel safe, be active and learn effectively in this context.

This guide was developed for our partner and member organisations and staff. We hope that it will contribute to the strategic partnership and our common learning.

Download the guide here

Välkomna på Projektledarutbildning 14-15 dec

Palmecentret står för kost och logi under utbildningen. Vi kommer att hålla till på charmiga Långholmen i Stockholm.

Ni som deltar i utbildningen är Palmecentrets medlemsorganisationer som driver internationella projekt.

För anmälan kontakta: utbildning@palmecenter.se

Efter aktivt deltagande i utbildningen kommer ni bland annat att kunna:

Kommunicera om världen – sök infobidrag!

Du har väl inte missat att du som medlem i en av våra 27 medlemsorganisationer kan söka stöd hos Palmecentret för att kommunicera om internationella frågor?

Kanske vill du bjuda hit en internationell gäst, göra en film till sociala medier eller anordna en temadag? Som max kan du få 45.000 kr.

Läs mer och ansök här!

Vill du få inspiration? Se filmen Unga Örnar gjorde om sitt projekt i Namibia här!