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Publicerad 2022-10-04
Alla news for partners

Call for proposals: Support to Just Transition changemakers

The Palmecenter and SOLIDAR are searching for an organisation that can provide after-support to global activists who will be taking part in a Training of Trainers on building alliances, doing advocacy and developing collective policies for Just Transition. The organisation in charge of support will also follow up on the results of the participants' alliance-building activities.

The Training of Trainers will take part early winter 2022, and the organisation who is selected in this call for proposals to provide after-support (and possibly facilitate another round of the Training of Trainers) will do so in the first quarter of 2023. You will find more details about the project in the call for proposals – link below – under the Just Transition part.

We are welcoming proposals from partners working on the issues related to a Just Transition.

Deadline: 6th of November at 23:59.

Read the call for proposals here (ENG) 

It can also be found here in FR and here in ES

Olof Palme International Center

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