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Environment and climate

Why do we consider it essential to look at everything we do though the lens of environment and climate? Find out here and see resources that can help you apply this perspective!

Why integrate an environmental and climate perspective?

A habitable planet is an absolute necessity if we are to succeed in achieving any kinds of progressive development.

Analyzing your operations from an environmental and climate perspective makes it possible to see how your target group and the aims you want to achieve are affected by the climate and environmental crisis. It is also a way to minimize the project’s negative effects on the environment and climate. But the most impactful thing you can do is to think about how your operations can contribute to positive effects!

We want as many of our partnerships as possible to contribute to the fair, green transition that needs to take place at record speed throughout the world. This is known as a Just Transition and it is one of the Palme Center’s political priorities. By merging the transition to a fossil-free world with the important work for equality, we can make more sustainable progress on several issues. We can also get more people to support the transition.

Working for climate and environment in a partnership can take many forms, depending on what is most relevant in your context:

  • Reducing climate emissions in a way that also combats inequality.
  • Strengthening your target group’s ability to protect themselves against the effects of the climate crisis that are already here, or on the way.
  • Protecting and restoring local living environments that people depend on for their livelihoods, culture, health and safety.
  • Ensuring that natural resources such as water are used in a sustainable and fair way, thus minimizing the risk of violent conflict.

Method materials on environment and climate

Among our method materials you will find several tools and capacity building materials on climate and the environment.

For example advice on how different kinds of organisations can engage with a just transition, reports and short films with some partner organisations to the Palme Center.

To method materials

Just Transition

The climate and environment perspective is to be integrated broadly, in all operations and activities. But the Palme Center also has a specific goal, a political priority, related to the climate and ecological crisis. It is called "Sustainability through a Just Transition—countering climate change".

All regional programmes contribute to this priority on an overall level. Individual operations/projects choose whether they work actively with this goal.

Read more about Just Transition here

More integrated perspectives

Environment and climate is one of our four integrated perspectives. In order for our operations to contribute to positive and progressive development, the following three perspectives must also be present in all projects:

Political Party Academy

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Civil Society Academy

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Trade Union Academy

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Member Organisations Academy

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